Info for New Leaders

Welcome! How to get started...

So you've agreed to become a Cub leader and you're wondering what to do next?  First, thank you for stepping up!  This is going to be fun!

Here's what you need to do to get started:

Every Cub deserves a trained leader!  Check out the Cub Hub at (scroll down and click on "Leaders"). Complete any other online training that interests you, especially the Quick Start and "Before Your First Meeting" training for your position on  Watch the calendar on this website for in-person training sessions offered by the council as well as other events such as the University of Scouting.

Make sure you're added as a pack leader in ScoutBook so that you have proper permissions to edit the Cub data and communicate with the parents. Email us at if you haven't been added yet.

Welcome!  And remember the Cub Scout leaders' motto: Keep It Simple, Make It Fun

New Leader Resources

We've gathered up a few of our favorite go-to resources for new leaders. 

About the position

These official guides are short and have great guidance about how to succeed in your new role:

Resources sites from other leaders

You're not the only one in your role -- there are thousands of scout leaders from all across the USA who have done your role before, and many of them have written some excellent resources to help make your job easier. Here are some of our favorites:

If you find some other great resources, pass them along and we'll post them here!