2014 Pinewood Derby car cutting & additional links

Post date: Feb 20, 2014 7:53:08 AM

There are still some slots left for Saturday if you want your son to have some help cutting his Pinewood Derby car with power tools:


If you're not going to be in town on Saturday, it's OK to design the car and ask someone else to do the rough cuts. Your son can still do the sanding, painting, and assembly.

You can get in and out quickly on Saturday if your son has already designed his car. Here's a page with a bunch of pre-made ideas, though I recommend you simply print out the blank template at the top of the page and let your son design it himself. Once he has designed it on paper, copy the lines onto the block of wood using a pencil to guide the person doing the cutting:


Last, I found another good link about the basics of building a car:


The most important tip is #1: remember that your son should do as much as possible.

Good luck!

- Mike Conte

Cubmaster, Pack 345, West Portal, San Francisco