Upcoming Events

Pack calendar:

The Pack 345 calendar is hosted on ScoutBook.com and is mirrored to the calendar on our website pack345sf.org. To view the calendar on your own device use this iCal link:


NOTE: Changes to the pack calendar are reflected immediately on the ScoutBook website but other calendars (Google, Apple, Outlook, etc.) only refresh these details every 24-48 hours, so there may be a delay in you seeing changes on your device. You can also see it at a glance here:

Den calendars:

For prospective/new scouts: Send us an email at pack345sf@gmail.com along with the name, gender, and grade of your scout(s) and we'll direct you accordingly.

For registered scouts: You can see the list of calendars you can subscribe to, including your den calendar, by logging into ScoutBook and clicking:

My Dashboard -> Events -> My Calendar

Click the word "Subscribe" in red next to the calendar name to get the link to your den calendar.

Council calendar:

A calendar of activities and training sessions offered by the local Boy Scout councils is semi-regularly maintained. These activities usually require pre-registration and have costs associated with them -- sometimes significant. You may view a collected list of events from the local councils on our pack calendar here:


Attention Google Users:

If you are unable to see a calendar on your mobile device after you have subscribed to it, please go to this link and make sure the checkbox next to your calendar name is checked is set to sync:
