
One of the questions we are often asked is: since Pack 345 meets at the West Portal Lutheran School, is Pack 345 affiliated with a specific religion?

The answer to that question is 'no'. We are not affiliated with any religion, and like the Cub Scouts program nationally, we embrace scouts, parents and families no matter what their religious beliefs are. We are very intentionally open to all -- you can read more about our Statement of Non-Discrimination here -- and all should feel welcome to join Pack 345. Further, we believe that religion is best handled in discussions within the family unit -- between the Akela and the scout -- and we never discuss religious topics at Pack or Den meetings.

If you do follow a specific religion, you may be interested in researching the Religious Emblems you can earn and wear on your uniform to reflect your faith. However, like most such programs, the Religious Emblem program is entirely optional.

We are deeply grateful to the West Portal Lutheran School for letting us use their meeting space for our Pack meetings and our Pinewood Derby race.